Settlement Services


     Congratulations on Permanent Residence!

     As a PR, you now have the right to have your health coverage, ability to live, work, or study anywhere in Canada, ability to apply for citizenship, be protected under Canadian law and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom.

     Here at the Settlement Services, our settlement workers can help you with:

  • Applying for MB health card/ Updating your MB health card
  • Applying for benefits that you and your family may be eligible for
  • Problems with your initial PR card/ Renewing your PR card / Lost or stolen PR card
  • Crisis counselling – we are not trained counsellors but we will do our best to listen and give you all the resources you might need. 
  •  Sponsorship/ Visitor Visa/ Supervisa
  • What to do if you’d like to move out of the province of Manitoba
  • Citizenship application/ Checking of documents before submission