Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW)


Are you a newly arrived temporary foreign worker or a worker who has been living in Canada for up to five years? There are things that you may need to know that can assist you in your living and working in Canada.

Our TFW caseworker can help you with:

  • Understanding the Canadian workplace culture, how to keep safe and protected, and general questions about living in Canada
  • Knowing resources to support your integration as a newly arrived temporary foreign worker
  • Learning about health and income support
  • Counseling
  • Interpretation and translation
  • Basic needs e.g. housing, food, clothing
  • Other information, resources, and referrals

Our TFW caseworker is here to offer one-on-one support and referrals in order to meet the basic essential needs of anyone. With the necessary resources, we are empowered to safeguard your rights as employees. 

Furthermore, our support worker can assist in areas such as case management and assistance when applying for benefits.